
Funny to say the word hard+working...
becoz i'm really not the kind of girl..no the kind of PERSON who really really diligent in their job..
in fact.......i;m a lazy girl,,,,,,a worm u can say...
every time my mum nag me to do the house chores..it will take few hours for me to move from the couch and begin my chores...and it also take time for me to finish it....and usually my uncle help me hahha

but today i completely become the opposite...i was more diligent and work hard to complete the household tasks...

my house looks very messy...(my thought la..)
and so i decided to tidy it up....
i throw away useless stuffs...and WALAA more empty space and more convenient to pass through hahah

i help my dad..so he won't be so tired....by the way he was sick so i have to help in ( in my other thoughts---i can get my full salary ~.~)

see i really become a professional maid....as i say i was learning...to become a maid but this was to teach me....
so i hope u guys won't be hesitate to help ur parents at home..sincerely la.....


About Me

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hmm....i'm a happy go lucky person...at least that what my friends said about me... sometimes i get too shy and just would lock myself in my bedroom...ya right like that's ever happen..kiding... i like to play around with people...u can say i'm a friendly person...ahhaha...just send ur comments to me...by that u can get to know me better..if you want to... so nice to meet you guys....
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