Raining Days......

Wow it's cold out there.........................
Anyway...i love the raining season....people may hate it because they might get flu,fever and have difficulties in doing their daily activities...
But I LOVE IT...

The reason i love it is because...hmm i don't know how to describe it....
It is just a weird feeling....I will suddenly get into my own world...
It might sound silly but i was imagining myself in a village...in a beautiful,cozy small house...wearing cute sweater...in white color and drinking a hot chocolate milk....wah " BASTHA''----delicious...

Yeah..i'm dreaming that i'm in Korea..hahhah but that's the truth ...
I am so addicted to Korean lifestyle..and  been wishing to go to Korea..hope i can someday...
Anyway...back to my story...
I mean seriously...during this chill weather you still want to go outside....and get fever or flu...
Better stay at home....really ...better...

At least at home..you can watch drama's but typical sad drama...suit the weather better....
probably have some mushroom soup or chicken soup---mushroom would be better....and some toast....huhu so hungry want to eat hahhah
Perfect for me...but i don't know you guys...

I'm in Ayumi Wonderland.........so nice love it.....
But dreams are just a dream.......whether i can achieve it or not..it is still unclear........
but yet what's the wrong doings in having dreams???
It gives you hope....Remember that ~.~


About Me

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hmm....i'm a happy go lucky person...at least that what my friends said about me... sometimes i get too shy and just would lock myself in my bedroom...ya right like that's ever happen..kiding... i like to play around with people...u can say i'm a friendly person...ahhaha...just send ur comments to me...by that u can get to know me better..if you want to... so nice to meet you guys....
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