Damn Is that All I can Get..

I was trying to fill in some application online for scholarship but then...
There's only 2 i can fill in due to lack of A's ...darn it...
Kinda sad right now...but who care...as long as i already get in Matriks--if can la...
Then i will work hard...hard...and become what i want..
This little things won't stop me ...
i'm cursing right now...but then it come back to me too..no point to angry..your own mistake..haha
Yeah sot,,,,who cares.......

Aiya.....when can i get scholarship or not...that's the problem...i hate it....darn it...darn...
Parents gonna get headache...thinking where to find money to support my study...
gosh please GOD help me....


About Me

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hmm....i'm a happy go lucky person...at least that what my friends said about me... sometimes i get too shy and just would lock myself in my bedroom...ya right like that's ever happen..kiding... i like to play around with people...u can say i'm a friendly person...ahhaha...just send ur comments to me...by that u can get to know me better..if you want to... so nice to meet you guys....
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