Dissatisfaction...then satisfactory little bit---work hard...

Yeah..now everything is done...
All the anticipation has ended...
My SPM result...thank goodness..I achieved good result...
To be true...i wasn't so satisfied with my result...
I cried when i got my result...even though my parents says that it's alright you done your best..and they were happy with it but i just couldn't smile or accept the truth ...it was so hard for me as i aspect to get 7A's at least...
It feel like a failure to me...I thought i had let my teachers and parents and most of all me---myself down..really..it's hurting me...and I'm still crying over it...in the corner of somewhere...but yet I"VE CAME TO REALISED...

I shouldn't be crying but proud of it....really it was hard you know to get 6A's and 4B's...
It wasn't so easy and it wasn't so hard too...
I have to admit myself that i had made a big mistake and not realising that it was really important to me..until the day i got my result...
I wasn't giving my all out in studying ---therefore don't follow my step...
But yet i cannot keep on blaming myself and give up...
There's is still a lot for me to do ahead...
A LOT...

Therefore..now I'm thinking wisely for my future...
I wanted to become a doctor or dentist maybe...
But my first optional is doctor...
I hope i can get in matriks..or ASASI...
Get in University to redeem my dissatisfaction....
I'll become what i wanted to be...and i give you my words.....
When my teachers meet me someday..I have become a successful person....

That's why work hard baby....
Study smart..kick some ass hahah oops bad words....
Anyway adios and see you later...


About Me

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hmm....i'm a happy go lucky person...at least that what my friends said about me... sometimes i get too shy and just would lock myself in my bedroom...ya right like that's ever happen..kiding... i like to play around with people...u can say i'm a friendly person...ahhaha...just send ur comments to me...by that u can get to know me better..if you want to... so nice to meet you guys....
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